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PSC Code of Conduct




Panther Soccer Club (PSC) has created this “Code of Conduct” for the express purpose of ensuring a safe and educational arena for our youth sports programs.


By registering with the PSC, we (as participants, coaches, trainers and parents) agree to adhere to this code of conduct and understand the consequences of our actions. Prior to participating in PSC activities, players and parents will sign that they agree to abide by the PSC Code of Conduct as written in this document.


·      The club or any of its members, including trainers, shall not discriminate with respect to individuals or groups of any particular race, creed, sex or nationality.

·      At no time during the course of a practice or game will a parent confront a coach for any reason, unless there is considered to be an emergency regarding the physical well being of a participant. In this event, the conversation must be done in a formal and quiet fashion.

·      At no time during the course of a practice, game or any PSC event will a coach allow themselves to be drawn into a confrontation in the presence of his/her players.

·      At no time during the course of a practice, game or any PSC event will a player, coach, trainer or parent use profanity.

·      At no time during the course of a practice, game or any PSC event will a player, coach, trainer or parent misuse or damage any equipment.

·      At no time during the course of a game will a parent involve themselves in a discussion of the rules or calls made by a game official.

·      At no time during the course of a practice, game or any PSC event will a player, coach, trainer or parent be involved in an abusive verbal or physical confrontation with another player, coach, trainer, parent, or official.

·      At no time during the course of a practice, game or PSC event will a player, coach, trainer or parent indulge in the use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs.

·      At no time will the club or any of its members, including trainers, engage in activities that violate stated laws and/or rules (federal, state, civil, league, etc.), or are detrimental in nature to the club.


Participants or their parents shall notify the Board immediately if approached by anyone in the PSC for the purpose of recruitment or tryouts with a club other than PSC outside of the IYSA defined open period. Participants or their parents shall notify the coach immediately if approached by anyone for the purpose of recruitment, guest playing, training, scrimmages, or tryouts with any other soccer club or organization outside of the IYSA defined open period. Spectators at games or practices must follow the guidelines of good sportsmanship by practicing the following:


1.     All comments should be positive.

2.     Spectators should not address the officials during the game.

3.     Profanity or drunkenness will not be tolerated.


Any player, spectator, parent, or guardian who does not follow PSC guidelines on Code of Conduct, upon verbal or written notification to the PSC board, will be subject to discipline in the following manner:


A.    First offense -
a.    Verbal warning by the coach or PSC Board President at the discretion of the President.
b.    Written documentation of the verbal warning will be submitted by the PSC Board President and will remain part of the club record for a minimum of two years from the warning data and can be removed from club record, at the Boardʼs discretion,
after two years.

B.    Second offense –
a.    Notification to offender by the PSC Board in writing, during a closed Board session, with disciplinary actions at a minimum resulting in dismissal from the next two league/tournament games
C.     Third offense
a.    At a minimum, the third offense will result in dismissal from the rest of the games for the remainder of the current season and permanent dismissal from the PSC, at the PSC Boardʼs discretion, without refund of dues.


All infractions are to be submitted to the Panther Soccer Club Board President or Vice President within one week of the incident. At that time, the Board will review the infraction and determine any and all consequences. Depending on the severity of the infraction, the Board reserves the right to skip levels within the disciplinary guidelines to ensure appropriate discipline is given for the infraction.


The PSC will not be held responsible for any league fines incurred as the result of disciplinary action or red card given to a coach, player, parent, or guardian. The carded individual must pay all league fines to PSC prior to the coach/player reinstatement. If a coach receives a red card due to parent/guardian conduct, the parent/guardian will pay the fine. The parent/guardian in question will not be allowed on the sideline for subsequent games or practices until the fine is paid. The PSC will abide by all disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the involved league without exception.

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